JUNE 1, 2024

It’s an all day event 11am-6pm

60 miles west of Washington DC

at Skyline Brewing & Little Washington Winery & Wine loves chocolate shop

Do the Trifecta Treasure Hunt - plan to MAKE A DAY OF IT!

PEACE - LOVE - BEER - WINE - BBQ - mountains

PS - you might want to bring flat solid shoes if you want to walk on grass between the 2 farm tasting rooms. It’s an easy drive too!

Imagine tye-dye T-shirts, flip flops, flowers in your hair and groovy live music in the Blue Ridge Mountains!”
Winestock is the smaller, classier, fun little event that ranked right up there above the big wine festivals as best winefest in Virginia! “
Winestock is that classy little beer and wine festival 60 miles west of DC! (what we love - big buses not allowed).”

get ready for some fUN AT THE

13TH ANNUAL Wine(+beer)stock

Get your Summer Beach Glass - keep it in your picnic basket or beach bag all Summer

Groovy Live Concerts all Day, lay in the hammocks, bring your beach tent and blanket

Play Jenkins Mountain Disc Golf, Cornhole, Beach Ball Volleyball, Giant Chess

Stick Horse Races for the kids (ps - the stick horse race is for the kids, we mean it)

Relax in the spectacular Blue Ridge Mountains - what more could you ask for on a beautiful May Day?

Choco-Vino Challenge - 3 wines + 3 chocolate truffles happens at the Skyline Vineyard tasting Room on the farm

Winestock is a 1 mile round robin festival - at all 3 of our tasting rooms - The Winery, Brewery & Chocolate Shop

Choco-Vino Challenge happens at Skyline Vineyard - 65 Clark Lane Washington VA - Do the impossible pairing - 3 wines + 3 chocolates + a little lesson on how to get the perfect choco-vino pairing every time. For Winestock only Choco-Vino Challenge at Skyline Vineyard. Lots and lots of indoor seating. Walk or drive between the 2 tasting rooms on the farm.

Winestock’s Main Event happens here @ Skyline Brewing & Winery 72 Christmas Tree Lane. All the festival beer and wine samples happen here + groovy live concerts + food truck + vendors + wine + beer + peace + love + games + relaxation mezmorized by mountains and music + dancing + naps happen here. This is where we have lots of parking. Walk or drive between the 2 tasting rooms on the farm.

The Trifecta Treasure Hunt happens here @ Wine Loves Chocolate 353 Main, Washington VA. 1 mile away from the farm in town. Make it your 3rd stop. Buy something. Get a stamp on your treasure hunt card. Get your $170 goodie bag here on your way out of town.

Purchase however many and what kind of tasting sample tickets you want when you get here!

Each Tasting sample costs $1

30 Tasting samplers will be featured at Winestock

6 samples of Little Washington Winery Estate Wines

6 samples of Skyline Brewing Craft Brews

6 samples from The famous Fizzy Wine Pool

6 samples from our Grape American Road Trip

Choco-Vino Challenge at Skyline Vineyard Tasting Room

YOU CHOOSE - Do all the samples we have out to feature or choose exactly the ones you want!

Taste all the samples you want then fill your glass with your favorite and relax with good food and music!

Bring your picnic or get a picnic from our Food Truck

Beer by the pint, pitcher, 6 pack + Crowler!

Wine by the glass or bottle to enjoy with the concerts!

The most incredible wines you’ll never find without us from our famous Dirt Road Wine Rack

The funnest Summer Wines you’ve never found in the ice of our Funky Fizzy Bar
